IEC-62380 Module
IEC 62380 Electronic Reliability Prediction
The IEC 62380 module supports reliability prediction methods based on the latest European Reliability Prediction Standard. Originally, a French Standard published by the Union Technique de L’Electricite (UTE, July 2000 – RDF). The standard has evolved and become the European Standard for Reliability Prediction (IEC 62380). Its unique approach and methodology has gained worldwide recognition. IEC 62380 is a significant step forward in reliability prediction when compared to older reliability standards.
The IEC 62380 module provides models for reliability prediction of electronic components, optical cards, printed circuit boards and equipments, which takes directly into account the influence of the environment. Environment factors are no longer used as they are replaced by mission profile/ thermal cycling undergone by the equipment. These models can handle permanent working, on/off cycles and dormant applications. Failures related to component soldering are included in the component failure rate.
This technical report provides elements to calculate failure rate of mounted electronic components. It makes equipment reliability optimization studies easier to carry out, thanks to the introduction of influence factors.

- Powerful and user friendly IEC 62380 standard reliability prediction software
- Combine prediction methods for complex analysis
- Build and open multiple systems and project files
- Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) calculation
- Powerful charting facilities
- User defined custom library facilities
- Build and open multiple systems and projects files
- Import and export to MS Excel, Access and Word etc.
- Select components with regard to reliability and cost savings
- Multi Systems within the same project
- Transfer to and from any other module
- Be more accurate and efficient than with manual methods
- Optimize designs to meet targeted goals
- Redundancy modeling including hot standby
- Take advantage of powerful ‘what if’ analytical tools
- Identify weak areas in a system design

ITEM ToolKit’s Reliability Prediction Modules
ITEM ToolKit contains six modules for performing reliability prediction (MTBF) analysis. These modules conform to MIL-HDBK-217 F Notice 2, Telcordia (Bellcore) TR-332 and SR-332, IEC 62380 (RDF 2000), IEC 61709, China 299B GJB/z 299B (electronics) and NSWC 06 (mechanical) and share many common features and capabilities.
Each reliability prediction module is designed to analyse and calculate component, sub system and system failure rates, including Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), in accordance with the appropriate standard. After the analysis is complete, ITEM ToolKit’s integrated environment comes into its own with powerful conversion facilities for transferring data to other modules of the program. For example, transfer your MIL-217 project data to FMECA or your Telcordia project to RBD. These powerful facilities transfer as much of the available information as possible, saving you valuable time and effort.
ITEM ToolKit’s Multi Document Interface allows several projects or libraries to open at the same time. This valuable feature comes in especially handy when it is necessary to transfer data from one project (or library) to another.
Users can construct hierarchical breakdowns of systems with no restrictions on block numbers or levels of indenture. As new sub blocks and components are added, ITEM ToolKit automatically recalculates all dependent failure rates to take account of new information.
Powerful global editing facilities are available for performing “what if” evaluations. These facilities enable you to experiment with temperature, environmental and stress settings and see how your system performance will vary.

IEC 62380 Reference Documents
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this method. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
- IEC 60086 (all parts), Primary batteries
- IEC 60099 (all parts), Surge arresters
- IEC 60115 (all parts), Fixed arrestors for use in electronic equipment
- IEC 60146, (all parts), Semiconductor convertors – General requirements and line commutated convertors
- IEC 60255 ((all parts), Electrical relays
- IEC 60269 (all parts), Low-voltage fuses
- IEC 61951 (all parts), Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-alkaline electrolytes – Portable sealed rechargeable single cells
- IEC 60326 (all parts), Printed board
- IEC 60368 (all parts), Piezoelectric filters of assessed quality
- IEC 60384 (all parts), Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment
- IEC 60535, Jet fans and regulators
- IEC 60539 (all parts), Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors
- IEC 60721-3 (all Parts 3), Classification of environmental conditions – Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities
- IEC 60738 (all parts), Thermistors – Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient
- IEC 60747 (all parts) Semiconductor devices – Discrete devices
- IEC 60747-12 (all Parts 12) Semiconductor devices – Part 12: Optoelectronic devices
- IEC 60747-12-2, Semiconductor devices – Part 12: Optoelectronic devices – Section 2: Blank detail specification for laser diode modules with pigtail for fibre optic systems and sub-systems
- IEC 60748 (all parts) Semiconductor devices – Integrated circuits
- IEC 60879, Performance and construction of electric circulating fans and regulators
- IEC 60948, Numeric keyboard for home electronic systems (HES)
- IEC 61019 (all parts), Surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators
- IEC 61051 (all parts), Varistors for use in electronic equipment
- IEC 61248 (all parts), Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment
- IEC 61747 (all parts), Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices
- IEC 61261 (all parts), Piezoelectric ceramic filters for use in electronic equipment – A specification in the IEC quality assessment system for electronic components (IECQ
- IEC 61951 (all parts), Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes
- IEC 61951-1, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Portable sealed rechargeable single cells
- IEC 61951-2, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Nickel-metal hydride
- IEC 62007 (all parts), Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications
- IEC 62255 (all parts), Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for broadband digital communications (high bit rate digital access telecommunication networks) – Outside plant cables
- ETS 300 019, Environmental engineering (EE); Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment
- ISO 9000:2000, Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary
- UTE C 96-024:1990, Modèles thermiques simplifiés des circuits intégrés monolithiques
Contact us now for a free quotation or an online demonstration.

- Electronic Reliability Prediction Software
- European Commercial Telecom Standard
- Mean Time Between Failure Calculation
- One of Thirteen ITEM ToolKit Modules
- Extensive Reporting and Charting Facilities

ITEM ToolKit Modules:
- MIL-HDBK-217 Prediction >>
- Telcordia Module >>
- IEC 62380 Prediction >>
- IEC 61709 Prediction >>
- NSWC Mechanical Prediction >>
- China 299B Prediction >>
- Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis >>
- Reliability Block Diagram >>
- Fault Tree Analysis >>
- Event Tree Analysis >>
- Markov Analysis >>
- Maintainability >>
- Spares Scaling & Ranging >>