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Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis

Not being able to identify your design flaws, failures in manufacturing or processes could result in costly repairs, warranty costs, production delays, catastrophic failures, and even loss of life.

Organizations perform Root Cause Analysis to identify and eliminate severe malfunction and potential failures from products and production processes. An inductive approach or procedure often serves as a design aid to identify and prevent catastrophic failures. The need to determine the effect of system and equipment failure becomes more evident and urgent.

FMECA (Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis) analyzes potential failure within a system, identifies the potential hazards associated with these failures, and classifies them according to their severity. FMECA addresses reliability and quality problems associated with design, manufacturing, process, safety, and environment.

During a FMECA procedure, identifying the failure modes and their effects (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) is often only the beginning. Criticality Analysis is where the failure modes are ranked according to a combination of severity and the probability of that failure mode actually occurring. ITEM ToolKit provides total flexibility for applying FMECA to the two-part analysis and much more.

The FMECA Module now incorporates a fully integrated IEC 61508 FMEDA analysis. An IEC 61508 conforming quantitative FMEDA (Failure Mode, Effects and Diagnostics Analysis) is only a few mouse clicks away.

  • FMECA Software
  • Supports ISO 26262
  • Supports IEC 61508 FMEDA
  • Phrase and Failure Mode Facilities
  • Apportionment Library Facilities
  • Automatic Criticality Calculations
  • Graphical System Hierarchy Diagrams
  • One of Thirteen ITEM ToolKit Modules
  • Extensive Reporting and Charting Facilities