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IEC 61709 Electronic Reliability Prediction

The IEC-61709 module supports the reliability prediction methods based on the European Prediction Standard IEC-61709. This module is predominantly based on the Siemens Prediction Standard SN-29500, as well as conforming to section 19 for PCBs and section 20 for the Hybrid Circuits within the European Prediction Standard IEC-62380 (RDF 2000/UTE C 80-810).

The IEC-61709 module provides models for reliability prediction of electronic components, printed circuit board and equipment extrapolated of failure rates from referenced conditions to other operating conditions that permits the prediction of failure rates at assembly level.

ITEM ToolKit platform offers the linking of source failure rate data to and from other prediction modules as well as having powerful import/export capabilities. The IEC-61709 module can be used to obtain failure data from other ToolKit prediction modules as well as sourced failure rates, either direct from the component manufacturers or organisations who have failure rate databases that contain collected field reliability data. This data will provide the base failure rate for the ITEM ToolKit IEC-61709 module, which along with the user defined application parameters specified in the IEC-61709 standard, would provide the complete reliability prediction analysis based on the IEC-61709 module.

Library management, import and export facilities are also provided. Quality user-configurable reports are produced by the program automatically. In addition, data may simply be dragged and dropped into Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, Access etc. allowing a wide range of additional customised reports and charts to be produced.

ITEM ToolKit contains six modules for performing reliability prediction (MTBF) analysis. These modules conform to MIL-HDBK-217 F Notice 2, Telcordia (Bellcore) TR-332 and SR-332, IEC 62380 (RDF 2000), IEC 61709, China 299B GJB/z 299B (electronics) and NSWC 06 (mechanical) and share many common features and capabilities.

Powerful global editing facilities are available for performing “what if” evaluations. These facilities enable you to experiment with temperature, environmental and stress settings and see how your system performance will vary.

  • Electronic Reliability Prediction Software
  • IEC-61709 Standard
  • Mean Time Between Failure Calculation
  • One of Thirteen ITEM ToolKit Modules
  • Extensive Reporting and Charting Facilities
  • Advanced Hybrid Linking and Modeling
  • Redundancy Modelling Including Hot Standby
  • User Defined Custom Libraries