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ITEM Software is an acknowledged world leader in the supply of Reliability Software for Reliability Engineering and Safety Analysis. If your business is involved with Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) evaluation, or Risk Assessment, our products are an essential part of your software solutions.

We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of products and after sales service. Our products are continuously being upgraded in response to user requirements and current software technology. Support is available from experienced engineers and software specialists. We also provide training in the techniques employed in this area and the use of our software products.

ITEM Software produces reliability software analysis tools which are applicable to a wide range of industries. ITEM ToolKit ‘s Fault Tree, Markov, and FMECA modules can be used to model software reliability, physical security, as well as human interaction with systems. Our Event Tree module can be used to perform Decision Tree Analysis, as well as Safety Assessment of any system. Our reliability prediction analysis modules are up-to-date yet flexible enough to suit your evolving needs.

Please browse through our website, register your details and download our latest software products for your evaluation.

Our Software Tools

Reliability Prediction Software Screenshots

ITEM ToolKit is a suite of thirteen comprehensive prediction and analytical modules in one integrated environment, including Reliability Prediction and Fault Tree Analysis.

Quantitative Risk Assessment Software

ITEM QT is a new dimension in Reliability, Safety and Risk Assessment software, offering a customizable, cross-platform, multi-user, open framework for analysis.

Reliability Prediction Software Screenshots

ITEM’s Quantitative Risk Assessment System software is a fully integrated environment for constructing and analyzing risk models, including Event Sequence Diagrams.

  • Powerful and user friendly reliability software tools for engineering
  • Extensive printing and report generation capabilities
  • Build and open multiple systems and project files
  • Multi-document interface allows easy transfer of data
  • Import and export to MS Excel, Access Word etc.
  • Take advantage of powerful ‘what if’ analytical tools
  • More accurate and efficient than manual methods
  • Identify weak areas in a system design
  • Select components with regard to reliability and cost savings
  • Optimize designs to meet targeted goals
  • Graphically construct system hierarchy diagrams
  • Library management facilities to build and customize libraries
  • Powerful charting facilities
  • Drag and drop components and systems between projects
  • Flexible graphical editing capabilities for event sequence diagrams and fault trees
  • Advanced hybrid linking and modeling
  • Combine prediction methods for complex analysis
  • Linked block facility reduces repetitive data entry